“…he had a quite up-to-date modernness”

Junior designer Andrew Haig joins Kinneir Calvert Associates. Here he describes Jock’s thinking, day-to-day studio life and working with the team.
Showing 4 results for “his character”
Junior designer Andrew Haig joins Kinneir Calvert Associates. Here he describes Jock’s thinking, day-to-day studio life and working with the team.
Words and Buildings: the art and practice of public lettering is published in London by The Architectural Press.
Among the founding figures of graphic design in Britain, Jock Kinneir was both typical and exceptional. Like other designers of this generation he went through art school, started out as a commercial …
A 1967 symposium on Transportation Graphics at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, invited Jock Kinneir to present. We can now accompany the magazine Dot Zero’s publication on it with the original audio recording.