Starts his own business
In 1952 Jock starts his own business. By 1956 he is renting a small office above a garage at 3, Old Barrack Yard, Knightsbridge.
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In 1952 Jock starts his own business. By 1956 he is renting a small office above a garage at 3, Old Barrack Yard, Knightsbridge.
Through a conversation at a bus stop with one of the architects working on Gatwick Airport, Jock secured a project which was to define his practice.
Soon after graduating, 1969 RCA graduate David Tuhill joined the firm.
Junior designer Andrew Haig joins Kinneir Calvert Associates. Here he describes Jock’s thinking, day-to-day studio life and working with the team.
Kinneir Associates becomes Kinneir Calvert Associates with Margaret Calvert and Jock Kinneir becoming business partners, continuing their practice from 3 Old Barrack Yard, London.
Among the founding figures of graphic design in Britain, Jock Kinneir was both typical and exceptional. Like other designers of this generation he went through art school, started out as a commercial …