Kinneir Calvert Tuhill formed

1969 RCA graduate David Tuhill asks to join the firm.
1969 RCA graduate David Tuhill asks to join the firm.
Kinneir Associates becomes Kinneir Calvert Associates with Margaret Calvert and Jock Kinneir becoming business partners, continuing their practice from 3 Old Barrack Yard, London.
After being asked to develop signage for Gatwick Airport, Jock asks his graduating Chelsea student Margaret Calvert to be his assistant.
Junior designer Andrew Haig joins Kinneir Calvert Associates. Here he describes Jock’s thinking, day-to-day studio life and working with the team.
Exhibition of 37 designers organised by publisher Lund Humphries.
Autumn term of 1973 David Tuhill interviews and takes portraits of the staff of the Graphic Design department. Jock discusses the difference between practice towards the superficial or the fundamental.