Kinneir begins work on signage for Gatwick Airport


Through a conversation at a bus stop with one of the architects working on Gatwick Airport,1 Jock secured a project which was to define his practice.

Sometime in the mid-fifties, Jock Kinneir found himself waiting at the same Green Line bus stop as David Alford, one of the architects in the process of designing a second London airport at Gatwick. On discovering that they were close neighbours, David asked Jock if he had ever designed a signing system for an airport. Although Jock’s answer was ‘no – nobody had’, he was nevertheless invited to undertake a study for one hundred guineas.2

Image from ‘Gatwick Airport’ Design Magazine, August 1958

  1. Margaret Calvert, London, 2003 ↩︎

  2. Margaret Calvert, London, 2006, first published in AGI: Graphic Design since 1950. Published by Thames & Hudson, 2007 ↩︎